Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Valentines everyone!
Today I will be enjoying my thrift finds from yesterday, watching a movie, and reading a book.
P.S. Tea cup and plate were each 99 cents. :)

Friday, February 13, 2009


I do apologize for my absence. My hard drive crashed and it has been in repairs. Unfortunately I have lost everything on my computer, so bear with me as I post. I do suppose it is like starting fresh and new, so here is to new ideas and a fresh perspective.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jielde Knock-Off?

I just realized that Pottery Barn Teen is knocking off the Jielde task lamp. 
Vintage Jielde lamps run upwards of $500, the PBT are for sale for $79.
They come in a variety of colors, and may be too good to pass up.


Jielde industrial lamps.
They have been hand made in France since 1950,
Isn't it lovely?

Clear Specs

I have been having a love affair with my transparent glasses. I spotted them months ago in a J.Crew catalog and was delightfully surprised at how cute they were on. Recently, I have been spotting them everywhere, and it appears that I'm not the only person who loves them. Let it be said, that there are some really interesting vintage pairs on ebay. Happy hunting.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Sundays are the perfect day to go antique shopping and read at Barnes and Noble. Today while I was paroling the magazine aisle I spotted a new addition, InsideOut Magazine. This Australian Home magazine is amazing. Its slogan is "Inspiring Homes with Heart." Go to your local book store and see if you can track it down; I promise it will be worth it. The spaces are interesting, and it doesn't feel as trendy as some of the other magazines. I am in love, now if only I could subscribe to it.